Monday, June 13, 2005


Jews are vile...

WAIT! Before the Jewish nation unites to knock down my door and stick a metal star of David in my head, let me explain. As I was walking down one of the nicer areas of London called Wood Green (SARCASM ALERT: The phrase just uttered is completely false...Wood Gren is SCAB CITY!!!!) I was intrigued by the group of interestingly dressed individuals shouting into a microphone as people passed by. Now I, assuming they had discovered the secrets of renewable energy and had decided to share with us all, retreated back into hearing range so I too could be blessed with the knowledge of perpetual cold fusion.

WELL, imagine my surprise when, instead of cold fusion they were talking about how everyone who wasn't Muslim should be ashamed of themselves (Note: They were wearing white robe-type things which, from a distance, look a little like lab coats...honest mistake.) Now I, as most of you know, do not like religious or political discussion, nor would I ever willingly walk up to a group of Muslims as a die-hard Christian and engage them in a dialogue for over an hour pointing out why their perceptions of Christianity are not entirely correct (apparently most Christians don't believe in Heaven and Hell and by having the trinity of God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit we are limiting God.) Now I won't bore you with all the details of this discussion but I did want to leave you with a few quotes that make me think twice before exchanging Jesus for Mohammed. Enjoy!

1. All Jews are evil, vile, and disgusting. Even people who aren't religious hate the Jews. They are an awful group of people.

2. The Holocaust didn't really happen. It is a conspiracy by the Zionist Jews. In fact, the Jews declared war on Germany first. Besides, bodies can't burn as fast as they say. The Holocaust survivors are liars.

and finally

3. (When I said that the radical Muslims who blew up the World Trade Center were the only "vile" people) Why are they radical. America helped Israel by giving the Jews weapons that they used to kill Muslim children. The Muslims simply struck back. Why is that radical?

At this point, I thanked them for their time, went to the movies, and watched House of Wax.

A thoroughly engaging day...

I never know how to handle religious nuts. Some of their claims, such as the US supporting certain factions that kill their people, are true but others are so out there you don't know if you can even take them seriously. I would assume most muslims don't want their religion being linked to the World Trade Center fiasco, because really it has nothing to do with it other than the area the attackers hailed from, but it's people like those guys you talked to who end up giving the entire culture a bad name.

I too agreed with some of the stuff they said about the US (although most of their true rant was about how much the UK government sucked). Their arguments seemed pretty intelligent for a while and then they jumped off the deep end. But I guess the streets of scabby London are not where you find your true scholars...however, it is where you find your most fanatical believers. Which is the larger (and more powerful) group?
Well I can certainly understand the frustration that might drive one to go radical. I mean here you are, in a country most US or UK citizens probably couldn't find on a map fighting an ethnic/racial/ethnonational war with some other faction that wants to wipe you out (and generally one side is backed by western money + weapons), and the only thing the citizens of the US care about is whether or not two men sleep together (Or in the case of our celebrities whether or not they are guilty of molesting children, which apparently they are not).

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