Saturday, December 24, 2005


Merry Christmas

Just wanted to wish all of you in the land of freedom a very merry Christmas...sorry a happy winter, that might be offensive about a lukewarm winter soltice experience...yeah that'll do...

As my first Christmas away from my growing up family and my growing up country, I reflect on a few things that will make this holiday different:

1) Santa is more often referred to here as Father Christmas rather than Santa Claus. This shows the British have no souls...don't know why, but it does.

2) Away in a Manger is still sung over here...BUT WITH A DIFFERENT TUNE. Seriously people, we went to a Christmas carol service and I almost had apoplexy...YES! APOPLEXY. I listened to their rendition accompanied by the heavenly counterpoint of baby Jesus crying...

3) The day after Christmas is called Boxing Day where everyone gets on the streets promptly at 9 AM and pummels the crap out of each other all day long. Well, maybe not, but the 26th is called Boxing Day, it is a Holiday, I have no clue what it means, and there is even less going on on that day than there is on Christmas day. Now this also means no day-after-Christmas sales which, in my opinion, means they revere Jesus more. The habit of getting drunk at the pub and then going to midnight mass on the 24th means they revere Him slightly less. All in all, I think they are about 50% Jesus, 50% Budweiser...give or take...

4) There are only four main channels on this doesn't have much to do with Christmas, but I just wanted to rail about it again!

and finally

5) This will be my first married Christmas which means I will get the greatest gift of all...the sex...I mean spending it with my lovely wife...yeah...that's the ticket...

Anywho, hope you all have a wonderful and safe Christmas, a happy New Year, and please drink some good old American Dr. Pepper for me. The stuff over here sucks...

Merry Christmas, you old married fart! Do they have egg nog over there? I think that's what I would miss the most. (Other than family, of course)
And I think Father Christmas has a very charming ring to it. Did you wear candles on your head? I hear they do that. You know, them.
Zach got me a book of questions for Christmas, one of which was something to the tune of "For $1,000,000 would you leave your home country behind, and never set foot on it again?" Any way, it made me think of you, but you minus $1,000,000. In any event, Merry Christmas!


we're going to miss you over here on new year's like mad. isn't going to be the same without you. but i'm glad to hear you are doing well. hope you had a wonderful christmas, a fantastic boxing day (seriously, what the heck?), and have a wonderful new year. hopefully the new year will bring you back on american soil so we can all make fun of your newly adopted british ways. :)
christopher, i hate to tell you this, but it has again been over a month since you updated. you didn't even talk about zhubin's visit! i'm disappointed.

i think i'm going to start reading that juicyfruiter's blog...
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! ยป
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